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Melicious Tees

  BlueTone Media

The first time I worked on Melicious Tees one of the fellow employees who is a guy walked by and said, "oh, Melissa will be so glad there is now a girl working on her site." I just laughed, but it was so true. As the site came more and more to life I was able to give opinions that I don't think the boys would think of; considering I've probably done more online shopping than them :)

Then I really started to learn about the site and about the goal Melissa was wanting to accomplish. As a conservative girl myself, even the "up here" t-shirts that women wear just annoy me and frustrate me. So right off the bat, I felt like Melissa and I had something in common. Her goal of giving women the option of purchasing a great comfortable t-shirt that actually reflects positively on them is amazing! Slowly young girls will be influenced by women like Melissa who is trying to help their self-esteem and image of themselves and society will change a little - definitely for the better. So go to and check out some shirts, you will definitely need to order one or two; then tell your friends about the great t-shirt you got online!

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